We are thrilled to begin this new adventure with you and your child. Thank you for choosing Ridgeview -the best elementary ever- for your child's school. We know our students are going to grow in many ways this year. Please visit this website often. Our goal is to update it weekly with important information about schedules, academics, home"practice" and what we're learning about across all subjects.
We are very excited to now be teaching small groups of children in math, reading, and writing.
Researchers report that, regardless of the subject matter, students working in small
groups tend to learn more of what is taught and retain it longer than when the same
content is presented in other instructional formats.~Barbara Gross Davis, Tools for Teaching
In these small learning groups, the children are academically growing at a quicker pace because they are cooperatively working together; asking questions, problem-solving, completing differentiated projects, self-evaluating their own progress, and receiving specific feedback every single day. Please look at the self-evaluation scale below. Your child rates him/herself throughout each lesson as a way of being personally responsible for his/her own learning.
Your child uses this scale in a variety of ways including keeping track of how s/he is doing in each content area before, during (investigating and applying knowledge) and after instruction. Check out one of our student's math scale below:
Your child uses this scale in a variety of ways including keeping track of how s/he is doing in each content area before, during (investigating and applying knowledge) and after instruction. Check out one of our student's math scale below:
Check out this site Fuel Up to Play 60 for some great information on how to encourage and support our children be healthy- inside and out.
From 8-5-13
What a super powered first couple of days of school we've had! I owe a huge part of that to the incredible training, Capturing Kids' Hearts, that our Ridgeview staff attended earlier last week. My students and I have spent a great deal of our time together getting to know each other better through games and activities. We also created a social contract to follow for this school year:
We pledge to be polite, kind,
friendly, respectful, responsible
and truthful using a nice tone.
If a child makes a bad choice, s/he will be asked the following questions by any RVES staff member:
1) What are you doing?
2) What are you supposed to be doing?
3) Are you doing it?
4) What are you going to do about it?
After answering the questions honestly and making the right choice, the child simply gets back to the task at hand. If the child is disrespectful and doesn't honestly answer the questions, s/he would then be choosing the following consequences:
Level 1 Refocus
-the child is moved to a different area in the classroom to reflect on
his/her actions and choices. The child may then return to the task when s/he is ready.
Level 2 Home Communication
-an email and a parent note is sent home that needs to be signed and
returned to school the following school day
Level 3 Behaving out of the Classroom
-the child is given a blue sheet (office referral) and will not be allowed back into the
classroom until s/he earns the right to return by "behaving into the classroom"
Please feel free to email me any questions you may have. My Email
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